Am 5. Dezember 2019 kehrt das meist verkaufte Computersystem aus den 80er Jahren in voller Größe zurück und bringt 64 Spiele mit sich. Wir haben für euch eine Liste mit allen Spielen, die beim C64 mit dabei sind und verraten euch, aus welchem Jahr die Spiele stammen.
Mit einer unverbindlichen Preisempfehlung von 119,99 € ist TheC64 nicht gerade günstig, dafür kommt das Computersystem jedoch auch mit 64 Spielen daher und bietet zudem per USB Schnittstelle die Möglichkeit, eigene Spiele auf dem Gerät zu spielen. Nachfolgend findet ihr jedoch eine Liste mit all den Spielen, die auf dem Gerät vorinstalliert sind. Beachtet jedoch, dass nicht jeder Titel in jeder Region verfügbar sein wird.
- Alleykat (Shoot’em Up, 1986)
- Anarchy (Puzzle, 1987)
- Armalyte – Complete Edition (Shoot’em Up, 1988)
- Attack of the Mutant Camels (Shoot’em Up, 1983)
- Avenger (Maze, 1987)
- Battle Valley (Shoot’em Up, 1988)
- Bear Bovver (Shoot’em Up, 1983)
- Boulder Dash (Platform, 1984)
- Bounder (Puzzle, 1985)
- Break Dance (Sport, 1984)
- California Games (Sport, 1987)
- Chip’s Challenge (Puzzle, 1990)
- Coil Cop (Platform 1987)
- Confuzion (Puzzle, 1985)
- Cosmic Causeway (Puzzle, 1987)
- Creatures (Platform, 1990)
- Cyberdone Warrior (Platform, 1989)
- Cybernoid II: The Revenge (Shoot’em Up, 1988)
- Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine (Shoot’em Up, 1988)
- Deflektor (Puzzle, 1987)
- Destroyer (Shoot’em Up, 1986)
- Everyone’s a Wally (Adventure, Platform, 1985)
- Firelord (Maze, 1986)
- Galencia (Shoot’em Up, 2017)
- Gateway to Apshai (Adventure, 1983)
- Gribbly’s day Out (Platform, 1985)
- Gridrunne VIC 20 (Shoot’em Up, 1983)
- Hawkeye (Platform, Shoot’em Up, 1988)
- Heartland (Platform, 1985)
- Herobotix (Maze, 1987)
- Highway Encounter (Puzzle, Shoot’em Up, 1986)
- Hover Bovver (Puzzle, 1983)
- Hunter’s Moon (Shoot’em Up, 1987)
- Hysteria (Shoot’em Up, 1987)
- IO (Shoot’em Up, 1988)
- Impossible Mission (Platform, Puzzle, 1983)
- Impossible Mission II (Platform, Puzzle, 1988)
- Iridis Alpha (Shoot’em Up, 1986)
- Jumpman (Platform, 1983)
- Jumpman 2 (Platform, 1983)
- Mega Apocalypse (Shoot’em Up, 1987)
- Mission A.D. (Platform, Shoot’em Up, 1986)
- Monty Mole (Platform, 1984)
- Monty on the Run (Platform, 1985)
- Nebulus (Platform, 3D, 1987)
- Netherworld (Shoot’em Up, 1988)
- Nobby the Aardvark (Platform, 1992)
- Nodes of Yesod (Platform, 1985)
- Paradroid (Shoot’em Up, 1985)
- Pitstop II (Driving, 1984)
- Planet of Death (Adventure, 1984)
- Psychedelia VIC 20 (Lightshow, 1983)
- Ranarama (Maze, Shoot’em Up, 1987)
- Robin of the Wood (Maze, 1985)
- Rubicon (Shoot’em Up, 1991)
- Silicon Warrior (Puzzle, 1984)
- Skate Crazy (Sport, 1988)
- Skool Daze (Adventure, 1985)
- Snare (Puzzle, 1989)
- Speedball (Sport, 1989)
- Speedball 2 – Brutal Deluxe (Sport, 1991)
- Spindizzy (Puzzle, 1986)
- Star Paws (Platform, 1987)
- Steel (Shoot’em Up, 1989)
- Street Sports Baseball (Sport, 1985)
- Street Sports Basketball (Sport, 1987)
- Street Sports Soccer (Sport, 1988)
- Summer Games II (Sport, 1985)
- Super Cycle (Sport, 1986)
- Sword of Fargoal (Adventure, 1983)
- Temple of Apshai Trilogy (Adventure, RPG, 1985)
- The Arc of Yesod (Platform, 1985)
- Thing on a Spring (Platform, 1985)
- Thinges Bounces back (Platform, 1987)
- Tower Toppler (Platform, 3D, 1987)
- Trailblazer (Puzzle, 1986)
- Uchi Mata (Sport, 1986)
- Uridium (Shoot’em Up, 1986)
- West Bank (Shoot’em Up, 1987)
- Who Dares Wins II (Shoot’em Up, 1985)
- Winter Games (Sport, 1986)
- World Games (Sport, 1986)
- Zynaps (Shoot’em Up, 1987)
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