Shining Resonance Refrain – Alle Aspects im Überblick


Im japanischen Rollenspiel Shining Resonance Refrain, das im Juli 2018 erschienen ist, habt ihr nicht nur die Möglichkeit, im Spiel gegen und als echte Drachen zu kämpfen, sondern auch eure eigenen Charaktere zu verbessern. Hierfür greift ihr auf sogenannte Aspects zurück, die ihr pro Spielfigur einsetzen könnt. Dabei habt ihr alles Mögliche, was ihr nutzen könnt, ob das nun ist, dass ihr euren Charakter wirklich stärker macht, oder ob ihr nur seinen Füßen einen süßen Klang entlocken wollt, wenn er den Boden betritt, liegt dabei ganz an euch.

Nachfolgend findet ihr alle Aspects, die wir im Laufe des Spiels gefunden haben. Übrigens schalten sich die meisten Aspects genau dann frei, wenn ihr neue Materialien findet, die man für genau diese Verbesserung benötigt. Seid also immer schön wachsam und sucht nach neuen Materialen.

Bitte beachtet, dass sich diese Übersicht zu allen Aspects in Shining Resonance Refrain noch im Aufbau befindet.

Letztes Update: 28.07.2018, 21:30 Uhr

Alchemic KillerDemonIncreases damage dealt to Alchemic-type monsters by 10 %2 x Luring Kandelaar / 1 x Statue Moss
AP-ful ToughnessBeastWhen AP is lower than half, decreases damage taken by 3 %.1 x Fluffy Mane / 4 x Yellow Bouncy
Avian KillerOtherIncreases damage dealt to flying monsters by 10%.1 x Imperial Sting / 1 x Frog Tongue
AwarenessOtherDecreases chance of Link Encounters occuring. Must be equipped on an ally in battle.2 x Lizard Tail / 1 x Goblin Loincloth
Battlefield RoseAquaticEnemies will target you more.1 x Brave Heart / 3 x Big Petal / 1 x Fluffy Mane
Beast KillerAquaticIncreases Damage dealt to Beast-type monsters by 10%.3 x Frog Tongue / 1 x Flying Fish Fin
Beckoning IncenseNatureChance of more enemies during an encounter. Must be equipped on an ally in battle.3 x Cactus Flower / 3 x Shell Pollen
Block ConfuseDemonDecreases chance of Confusion.3 x Octopus Pot / 1 x Goblin Charm
Block OblivionAquaticDecreases chance of Forgetfulness.2x Fish Oil / 1 x Goblin Charm
Block ParalysisBeastDecreases chance of Paralysis.3 x Red Bird Feather / 1 x Goblin Charm
Block PoisonNatureDecreases chance of Poison.2 x Hard Exo / 1 x Goblin Charm
Block StunUndeadDecrease chance of Dizzy.3 Cracked Skull / 1 x Goblin Charm
Brave DefenseAquaticIncreases DEF by 10%.4 x Sand Shell / 2 x Large Shell
Break ImpactDemonIncreases stumbling time when a Break Attack hits.1 x Giant Weapon / 5 x Sticky Fluid
Break StrikeDemonIncreases critical rate of Break Attacks by 15 %.1 x Giant Weapon / 3 x Facet Eyes
Break UPBeastIncreases Break effectiveness of attacks.1 x Avian Talon / 3 x Goblin Kukri
Buddy HealNature[Yuma] Recovers 5% HP/MP when Resonating with an ally.2 x Mistletoe Seed / 1 x Hound Collar
Conqueror StrengthBeastIncreases ATK by 20 %.3 x Hero Strength
Courageous RestNatureHP gradually recovers during battle.3 x Mandragora / 1 x Vitalizing Fluid
DiversionBeastEnemies notice you more on the field. Must be equipped on an ally in battle.5 x Thunderbird Feather / 5 x Big Petal
Down CancelBeastPress a button while being knocked back to land on your feet.1 x Sharp Beak / 2 x Red Bird Feather
Earth EndureBeastDecreases damage taken from Earth attacks by 20 %.1 x Sand Shell / 3 x Topaz
Earth ManaAlchemicIncreases max MP by 15 %.2 x Topaz / 1 x Old Magic Sand
Ensemble SkillAquaticRecovers 2% MP when user and ally simultaneously cast using their Armonics.5 x Vocal Sac / 1 x Hound Collar
Expert GuardAquaticDecreases damage taken when blocking by 20%.1 x Large Shell / 3 x Green Jiggly
Fairy PrincipleDemonIncreases MAG by 15 %.2 x Luring Kandelaar / 3 x Onyx
Fighter DashDemon[Yuma] Temporarily increases ATK after a dash.1 x Brave Heart / 1 x Sand Fish Fin / 3 x Goblin Shoe
Fire AssaultDemonIncreases damage dealt by Fire attacks by 20 % and decreases MP cost by 10%.4 x Enduring Fire / 2 x Red Bird Feather
Fire EndureBeastDecreases damage taken from Fire attacks by 20 %.2 x Lizard Skin / 5 x Vocal Sac
Flee UpOtherShortens time it takes to escape. Must be equipped on an ally in battle.5 x Bird Legs / 10 x Lizard Tail / 5 x Goblin Mask
Ghost KillerAlchemicIncreases damage dealt to Undead-type monsters by 10 %.2 x Old Magic Sand / 2 x Light Rock
Giga VitalNatureIncreases max HP by 20%.– 3 x Mega Vital
– 1 x Mandragora / 5 x Soothe Sage
Grand GaiaDragon[Kirika] Changes „Gaia“ into „Grand Gaia“.3 x Topaz / 3 x Earth Essence / 8 x Statue Fragment
Guard BreakerUndeadIncreases Break effectiveness of attacks on blocking enemies.1 x Chipped Darkblade / 1 x Goblin Pill
Happiness UpOtherIncreases LCK by 20 %.5 x Star Sand / 1 x Man-Eater Hair
Heal ResonanceAquaticIncreases chance of Resonance and increases healing effectivness during Resonance.2 x Shell Pollen / 1 x Hound Collar / 1 x Sticky Fluid
Heal+Nature[Kirika] Increases Force level of „Heal“.2 x Cactus Flower / 2 x Frog Oil / 5 x Tree Seedling
Healing HeartNatureIncreases HP recovery of a Healing Force by 20%.2 x Lantern Ring / 3 x Statues Moss
Healing Realm+Nature[Sonia] Increases Force level of „Healing Realm“.3 x Soothing Bark / 3 x Old Magic Sand
Hell Blast+Nature[Rinna] Increases Force level of „Hell Blast“.3 x Emerald / 1 x Wind Rock
HP Recovery – BANatureRecovers HP based on damage dealt by a Break attack.2 x Mistletoe Seed / 1 x Giant Weapon
Hunter EyeBeastIncreases accuracy by 30 %.3 x Eagle Eye / 5 x Night Vission Goggles / 1 x Emma’s Glasses
Instant FocusAquaticIncreases AGI by 10%.3 x Flying Fish Fin / 1 x Red Bird Feather
King DefenseAquaticIncreases DEF by 20 %.3 x Brave Defense
Knight DefenseAquaticIncreases DEF by 10%.2 x Large Shell / 2 x Hard Exo
Long BuffNatureExtends duration of buffs on user.1 x Soothing Bark / 6 x Cactus Leaf
Luck UpOtherIncreases LCK by 10%.2 x Happyberry / 1 x Hound Collar
Mage PrincipleDemonIncreases MAG by 10%.1 x Warding Talisman / 1 x Mana Crystal
Magic StrikeDemonIncreases critical rate of magic attacks by 20 %.1 x Luring Kandelaar / 3 x Lantern Ring
MakeupAquatic[Kirika] Increases all stats by 5% during Dress Up mode.3 x Big Petal / 10 x Empty Husk
ManaAlchemicIncreases max MP by 10%.2 x Paste Core / 1 x Mana Fragment
Mana CycleDemonRecovers 3 % MP when you defeat an enemy.3 x Imp Wing / 1 x Avian Talon
Mega VitalNatureIncreases max HP by 15 %.1 x Cordyceps / 3 x Frog Oil
MP Cut – HealNatureDecreases MP cost of a Healing Force by 40%.3 x Statue Moss / 3 x Mana Fragment
MP Discovery – DDemonRecovers 2 % MP when you dodge an attack with a dash.4 x Imp Wing / 3 x Flying Fish Fin
Ninja PresenceUndeadEnemies will target you less.2 x Goblin Shoe / 5 x Empty Husk
Organic KillerBeastIncreases Damage dealt to Nature-type monsters by 10%.1 x Sharp Beak / 2 x Red Bird Feather
Pico FeetOtherMakes your footsteps sound cute.5 x Vocal Sac / 1 x Bird Legs
Planet ManaAlchemicIncreases max MP by 20%.– 3 x Earth Mana
– 2 x Silver Stiffy / 8 x Mana Crystal
Poison ArrowAquatic[Kirika] Adds Poison effect to normal attacks and arrow-type Force abilities.8 x Fungus Spores / 3 x Insect Fluid / 3 x Shell Pollen
Pope AuraUndeadIncreases MDF by 20 %.3 x Sage Aura
Power ResonanceDemonIncreases chance of Resonance and increases attack effectivness during Resonance.2 x Goblin Kukri / 1 x Hound Collar / 1 x Sticky Fluid
Priest AuraUndeadIncreases MDF by 10%.3 x Empty Husk / 2 x Goblin Loincloth
Protect ResonanceNatureIncreases Chance of Resonance and increases defense/support effectivness during Resonance.2 x Hard Exo / 1 x Hound Collar / 1 x Sticky Fluid
Royal HeartDragon[Sonia] When an ally is below 20% HP, increases chance of enemies targeting Sonia.1 x Drake Scale / 3 x Big Petal
Sage AuraAlchemicIncreases MDF by 15%.1 x Shield of Darkness / 2 x Statue Fragment
Saint PrincipleDemonIncreases MAG by 20 %.3 x Fairy Principle
Salt on WoundsAquaticIncreases damage dealt to enemies with an ailment by 20 %.5 x Octopus Gas / 3 x Poison Tusk / 2 x Rainbow Jelly
Short DebuffNatureDecreases time debuffs last on user.1 x Mandragora / 6 x Cactus Leaf
Smart ActionBeastChance of AP not being consumed. Higher LCK increases chance.1 x Goblin Mask / 1 x Poison Liver / 1 x Hound Tail
Smart DashBeastDecreases AP cost of dash by half.1 x Bird Legs / 1 x Goblin Shoe
Soothing SoulNatureAdds gradual recovery for Healing Forces.2 x Mandragora / 2 x Ash of Life
Spark+Dragon[Yuma] Increases Force level of „Spark“1 x Dragon Horn / 1 x Light Rock / 3 x Electric Suckers
Spell BreakerUndeadIncreases Break effectivness of attacks on casting enemies.3 x Cursed Words
Still WaterAquaticIncreases AGI by 30 %.3 x Gold Fin / 1 x Executer Feet
StrikeBeastIncreases critical rate by 10 %.1 x Avian Talon / 1 x Fish Oil
Symphonic HeartOtherIncreases BPM gauge build.3 x Vocal Sac / 1 x Goblin Charm
Thief StepNatureIncreases evasion by 10 %.3 x Soothing Bark / 1 x Vitalizing Fluid
Train of ThoughtAquaticMP gradually recovers during battle.2 x Fungus Hypha / 1 x Goblin Charm
VitalNatureIncreases max HP by 10%.3 x Mistletoe Seed / 1 x Avian Talon
Vital CycleNatureRecovers 3 % HP when you defeat an enemy.3 x Octopus Gas / 3 x Scale Powder
Warding IncenceAquaticChance of fewer enemies during an encounter. Must be equipped on an ally in battle.2 x Sharp Beak / 2 x Goblin Kukri
Warrior StrengthBeastIncreases ATK by 10%3 x Tree Seedling / 3 x Spider Exo
Water EndureAquaticDecreases damage taken from Water attacks by 20 %.1 x Luring Kandelaar / 3 x Magic Sight / 3 x Fish Lens
Weak ManaAlchemic[Rinna] Increases damage by 15 % when hitting a weakness.1 x Luring Kandelaar / 3 x Magic Sight / 3 x Fish Lens
Weakoning ArrowAquatic[Kirika] Adds ATK down effect to normal attacks and arrow-type Force abilities.1 x Spirit Mistletoe / 5 x Yellow Bouncy
Wind AssaultAlchemicIncreases damage dealt by Wind attacks by 20 % and decreases MP cost by 10%.4 x Emerald / 6 x Green Jiggly / 1 x Avian Wing
Wind EndureNatureDecreases damage taken from Wind attacks by 20 %.3 x Octopus Pot / 2 x Insect Wing
Wolf EyeBeastIncreases accuracy by 10 %.1 x Hound Collar / 2 x Facet Eyes
Zan Spark+Other[Sonia] Increases Force level of „Zan Spark“.2 x Thunderbird Combs / 1 x Dragon Horn / 3 x Yellow Bouncy

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Beatrice Eichhorn
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