HuniePop Guide – Pop Quiz antworten und vieles mehr


Wer in letzter Zeit unsere Tests verfolgt hat, wird festgestellt haben, dass wir auch den Erotiktitel HuniePop im Testlabor hatten. Und weil sich für den Titel auch viele Fragen ergeben, haben wir für euch einige Spielhilfen erstellt, mit denen ihr ganz gut sowohl an Munie (Geld), Hunie (Levelpunkte), geheime Ladies und einiges mehr kommen könnt.

Erklärung der Zeichen

HuniePop arbeitet während der Dates vor allem mit Farben und auch mit Zeichen, doch gerade zu Beginn ist es nicht gerade einfach, die verschiedenen Zeichen und Farben zu deuten. Nachfolgend findet ihr eine kleine Tabelle mit der entsprechenden Erklärung dazu.

Symbol Wortbeschreibung Name Geeignet für… Ungeeignet für…
Bild Grüner Kreis mit einem Stern drin Flirtation Tiffany, Audrey, Kyu Beli, Celeste, Venus
Bild Roter Kreis mit einer Flamme drin Sexuality Aiko, Jessie, Venus Tiffany, Nikki, Momo
Bild Blauer Kreis mit einer Note drin Talent Kyanna, Nikki, Celeste Aiko, Lola, Kyu
Bild Oranger Kreis mit einem Mond drin Romance Lola, Beli, Momo Kyanna, Audrey, Jessie


Symbol Wortbeschreibung Name Funktion
Bild Rosa Herz Passion Steigert das Passionlevel um einen bestimmten Wert
Bild Lila Herz, zerbrochen Broken Heart Nimmt euch Punkte weg
Bild Blaue Träne Sentiment Steigert das Sentimentkonto, lässt euch Items einsetzen
Bild Gelbe Glocke Bell Gewährt euch einen weiteren Zug

Tipps für Dates

Bei einem Date seht ihr euch einem Match-Three-Game gegenüber, doch leicht ist das keineswegs vor allem, wenn man bereits mehrere Dates erfolgreich absolviert hat. Wir haben einige Tipps für euch zusammengetragen, mit denen ihr die Dates wesentlich leichter absolvieren könnt.

  • Sucht euch zunächst zwei Damen aus, die dieselbe Affinität haben. (Bsp. Nikki und Kyanna = beide wollen Talent (Blau))
  • Habt ihr genügend Hunie, könnt ihr diese im HunieBee-Reiter „Traits“ einsetzen. Steigert zunächst den Wert, den eure bevorzugten beiden Damen haben.
  • Steigert anschließend euer Passionlevel im Reiter „Traits“, um so möglichst viele Boni bei den Dates zu erhalten.
  • Bei den Dates selbst achtet zunächst darauf, die rosa Herzen zerplatzen zu lassen, um das Passionlevel zu erhöhen und mehr Punkte für eine Reihe zu erhalten.
  • Nebenbei solltet ihr schauen, dass die Tränentropfen platzen lasst, damit ihr Date-Items einsetzen könnt.
  • Lasst euch beim Auswählen eures Zuges Zeit, es gibt kein Zeitlimit, das euch im Nacken sitzt.
  • Vermeidet es, die Token platzen zu lassen, die die Damen nicht mögen. Bei Nikki wären das beispielsweise die Sexuality (feurig Rot). Schaut lieber, dass ihr diese mit einem Item alle auf einmal platzen lassen könnt – euch wird dadurch kein Zug abgezogen, aber ihr bekommt trotzdem Punkte.
  • Beim Sex später ist es dann egal, da könnt ihr alles miteinander matchen, bis ihr den Balken in der Mitte gefüllt habt.

So bekommt ihr viele Hunie

Um in HuniePop möglichst schnell im Level zu steigen sind die rosafarbenen Hunie überlebenswichtig. Wie ihr an richtig viele Hunie kommt, verraten wir euch nachfolgend.

  • Wählt bei den Fragen, die die Mädchen euch stellen, die richtige Antwort und ihr erhaltet je nach Datelevel entsprechend viele Hunie.
  • Zeigt Interesse an den Mädchen und fragt sie Dinge über sich selbst.
  • Beschenkt sie, sowohl mit den besonderen Geschenken (die den Hunie-Wert pro Gespräch heben) als auch mit normalen Geschenken.
  • Die passenden Geschenke sind jeweils mit einem Stern oder einem Herz gekennzeichnet.
  • Macht die Mädels betrunken, das steigert den Wert pro Gespräch ungemein.

So schaltet ihr alle Damen frei

In HuniePop gibt es exakt vier Frauen, die ihr zusätzlich freischalten könnt. Wie ihr diese bekommt, verraten wir euch gleich.


Die quirlige Liebesfee schaltet sich im Prinzip von alleine frei, wenn ihr mit einer gewissen Anzahl Frauen geschlafen habt. Bei uns hat bereits eine Dame ausgereicht, nach der wir Kyu dann daten konnten. Sie ist ein sehr einfacher Charakter und mit Tiffany fast gleichzusetzen.


Momo ist schon etwas schwieriger freizuschalten. Dazu benötigt ihr den Goldfisch, den ihr irgendwann im Laden kaufen könnt. Manchmal dauert das eine Weile, da jeden Tag neue Gegenstände angeboten werden. Habt ihr den Goldfisch erworben, solltet ihr zum Strand gehen und ihn wegwerfen (im Inventar zieht ihr den Goldfisch einfach auf den Mülleimer in der rechten Ecke). Achtet darauf, dass ihr nun kein Date habt, sondern verlasst den Strand. Momo wird euch dann ganz automatisch ansprechen. Sie ist zwar leicht zu daten, allerdings ist es schwierig, Informationen von ihr zu erhalten, da sie euch oft Fragen über Katzen stellen wird.


Celeste ist erst freizuschalten, nach dem ihr Kyu daten könnt. Zu Beginn des Spiels habt ihr ein Magazin bekommen, das ihr nun hoffentlich noch nicht fortgeworfen habt. Gebt dieses Magazin an Kyu weiter, sie wird euch dafür ein seltsames Objekt geben. Wenn ihr nun am Abend zum Strand geht und dabei erneut niemanden abschleppt, wird euch Celeste ansprechen. Danach ist auch sie für Dates bereit.


Zu guter Letzt könnt ihr noch Venus, die Liebesgöttin schlechthin, freischalten. Ähnlich wie Kyu schaltet ihr sie auch automatisch frei, allerdings müsst ihr für Venus alle anderen Standardfrauen (Tiffany, Aiko, Kyanna, Audrey, Lola, Nikki, Jessie, Beli, Kyu) in der Kiste gehabt haben. Venus ist etwas anspruchsvoller, aber das werdet ihr dann schon merken.

Die Mädchen, Vorlieben und Antworten

Wenn wir euch schon so viele Tipps geben, so sollten wir euch auch weiterhin entsprechend unter die Arme greifen. Wir haben für euch nun die Mädchen, ihre Informationen sowie die entsprechenden Antworten auf die Fragen, die sie euch stellen herausgearbeitet. Gleichermaßen findet ihr auch noch die Liste mit allen Geschenken, die für die Damen verfügbar sind.



Frage: What are your thoughts on school? I mean going to college.
Antwort: I love the academic environment. I wish school never ended.

Frage: How do you feel about open relationships? Life, seeing other people on the side.
Antwort: It’s not really my thing.

Frage: What was your first kiss like?
Antwort: Sloppy! I don’t think either of us knew what we were doing.

Frage: If you had to pick one, what do you think your biggest weakness is?
Antwort: I can be pretty insecure about my relationship.

Frage: Would you date an unattractive girl if you really liked her as a person?
Antwort: Probably not. I need to be attracted to my partner.

Frage: What’s your opinion on people who smoke?
Antwort: I can’t smoke. It’s disgusting.

BildFrage: What’s your idea of like, the perfect date?
Antwort: Sitting at home, ordering a pizza and watching a movie.

Frage: Have you ever done any drugs?
Antwort: I’ve messed around a little in the past but I’m over it.

Frage: Ummm… you’re not like, dating anybody else right now, are you?
Antwort: Yeah, but only like seven other chicks.

Frage: How close are you with your family?
Antwort: I try to stay as far from those freaks as I can.

Frage: Do you still talk with any of you ex’s?
Antwort: Yeah, I keep in touch with some of them.

Frage: Do you believe in extraterrestrial stuff? You know, like aliens and that?
Antwort: I believe it when I see it.

Frage: Have you ever cheated on anybody? Be honest!
Antwort: Not yet.

Frage: Have your slept with a lot of girls? Wait, don’t tell me… No! Wait! Yes, tell me!
Antwort: I lost count around forty.



Frage: Do you prefer your partner’s sexual history?
Antwort: Yeah, I like to know what I’m getting myself into.

Frage: How do you define happiness?
Antwort: I don’t know… I guess I’m still searching for that answer.

Frage: What’s your favorite part of the female body?
Antwort: The chest… region.

Frage: What’s your most fucked up sexual fantasy?
Antwort: I want to be chained to the bed and dominated.

Frage: Let’s seeeeee… Longest relationship you’ve ever had?
Antwort: My longest? Perhaps a year and some change.

Frage: This is a fun one… What’s your biggest turn on?
Antwort: Hearing a girl moan, hands down.

Frage: So honestly, how many chicks you seeing right now?
Antwort: There are a couple of girls I’ve met that I’m talking to.

Frage: What’s the craziest place you haven’t done it, but would like to?
Antwort: Underneath your desk, during class.


Frage: What do you usually do when you can’t think of anything else to do?
Antwort: Oh that’s easy; crank one out.

Frage: What’s your kill count? Huh? How many notches you got on the ol‘ belt?
Antwort: I’m looking at a pretty decent amount, but nothing crazy.

Frage: What was your first time like? With a girl, of course?
Antwort: Once I found the whole we were good to go.

Frage: You a political person at all?
Antwort: Nah, that’s all a bunch of noise to me.

Frage: What’s your ideal, perfect vacation?
Antwort: This is lame but I prefer to just stay home and relax.

Frage: What kind of porn are you into? What? I want to know.
Antwort: Believe me, one look at my browser history would terrify you.



Frage: Do you get up early in the morning or stay up really late at night?
Antwort: Bright and early! Things to do, people to see.

Frage: Do you think it’s okay to tell little white lies?
Antwort: Nope, a lie is a lie.

Frage: What life advice would you give someone who asked?
Antwort: Confidence is the foundation for all success in life.

Frage: This is kind of a serious question, but, what are your thoughts on unplanned pregnancies?
Antwort: I think it should be left up to the potential mother to decide.

Frage: Do you exercise a lot or are you a major couch potato?
Antwort: Yeah, I hardly ever miss a day.

Frage: How do you feel about girls who wear makeup?
Antwort: I love makeup, it makes girls look so much prettier.

Frage: What’s an automatic relationship deal breaker to you?
Antwort: I don’t think there is anything that can’t be worked on.

Frage: Is there like, a type of personality that you just can’t stand?
Antwort: I don’t like bitches. It’s like, holy shit chill out bitch.

Frage: How did your last relationship end?
BildAntwort: We sort of grew apart and mutually agreed that it was the right thing.

Frage: What are you looking for in a relationship?
Antwort: I just want to hang out, have fun and see where it goes. You know?

Frage: Do you prefer stability or spontaneity in your life?
Antwort: I prefer stability. It’s important to have an anchor down somewhere in life.

Frage: How do you feel about kids?
Antwort: I love kids. They bring so much joy into your life.

Frage: Do you think of yourself as a person who takes responsibility for her actions?
Antwort: Very much so. I take pride in always seeing my commitments through.

Frage: Are you good with money?
Antwort: I would say so. I’ve always beend good at saving up for important things.



Frage: So, what’s your opinion on going to university?
Antwort: School is nothing than a waste of time and money.

Frage: What are you supposed to do when you’re bored?
Antwort: You get fucked up on drugs, duh.

Frage: How do you vent when somebody pisses you off?
Antwort: I scream in their face about it.

Frage: Do you even work out?Antwort: Bitch, I was born perfect. I don’t need to work out.

Frage: Do you still talk to any of the girls you used to fuck?
Antwort: Hell no!

Frage: What’s your biggest turn off? Huh?
Antwort: Broads who don’t know how to let lose and have fun.


Frage: If someone said they saw me with another girl, what would your reaction be?
Antwort: I’d break her fucking face.

Frage: So, what’s your go to position?
Antwort: I like to give it from behind.

Frage: You ever stolen anything?
Antwort: Of course. It’s too easy to get away with.

Frage: What do you hate most about dates?
Antwort: Pretty much everything.

Frage: What kind of people do you just fucking hate to even look at?
Antwort: I can’t stand fake ass hoes.

Frage: Soooo, what kinda shit are you on?
Antwort: I like to get high every now and again.

Frage: Ughh, I’m afraid to even ask… how many times a day do you touch yourself?
Antwort: As many as it takes.

Frage: Do you prefer girls that shave their shit?
Antwort: Yeah, public hair is gross.



Frage: Tell me, what’s the longest relationship you’ve ever had?
Antwort: Several years, it was pretty serious.

Frage: Do you enjoy drinking coffee?
Antwort: You could say this or you could say I’m a coffee addict.

Frage: What does the perfect date look like to you?
Antwort: Something outdoorsy and adventurous; a new experience.

Frage: What kind of books do you like to read?
Antwort: You can usually find me in the self help section.

Frage: What’s your biggest goal in life?
Antwort: To discover new things to learn and exlpore.

Frage: What’s your personal definition of success?
Antwort: Accomplishing the goals you set for yourself, whatever they might be.

Frage: What do you think is the most important trait to have a girlfriend?
Antwort: An ambitious and independent woman; a real go-getter.

Frage: Are you good at sports?
Antwort: I don’t like to brag… but yeah, I’m pretty much the best of all time.


Frage: What is it about me that made you approach me, really?
Antwort: Probably that form fitting uniform of yours.

Frage: What motivates you to get up in the morning?
Antwort: The goals I haven’t achieved yet.

Frage: Would you consider yourself an outdoorsy type?
Antwort: Definitely, I can’t stand being cooped up inside all day.

Frage: What do you see yourself doing in ten or fifteen years?
Antwort: Still working my ass of to get what I want.

Frage: What’s the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
Antwort: How am I going to make the most of this day?

Frage: What’s your greatest weakness?
Antwort: Weakness? I don’t know the meaning of the word!



Frage: Do you got a lot of parties?
Antwort: I can’t stand parties or the kind of people who go to them.

Frage: Why did you initially come up and talk to me?
Antwort: I thought you looked really cute standing there all alone.

Frage: How long do you usually make a girl wait after getting her number?
Antwort: I’ll call her the same day if I really like her.

Frage: Do you believe in the paranormal?
Antwort: You never know. I don’t think we can rule it out.

Frage: Do you think yourself as an introvert oder an extrovert?
Antwort: I’d much rather be at home by myself most nights.

Frage: Have you ever had like a serious relationship?
Antwort: I’ve never had any kind of relationship.


Frage: Would you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative person?
Antwort: I tend to swing to the liberal side of things.

Frage: How many kids do you plan on having?
Antwort: I should never be responsible fo another human being.

Frage: What kind of games you play?
Antwort: I’m more an old school gamer; nothing like the classics.

Frage: Are you generally an optimistic or a pessimistic person?
Antwort: I don’t know… I think I’m probably somewhere in the middle.

Frage: How do you feel about people who drink coffee every day?
Antwort: I think once in a while is fine, but damn, very day?

Frage: Is there anything in your past that you’re too ashamed of tell anyone?
Antwort: Nope! I have nothing to hide from anybody.

Frage: Do you believe we’re alone in the universe?
Antwort: I don’t know why, but I always get the feeling that we’re not.

Frage: What’s more important to you, looks or personality?
Antwort: Looks don’t do much for me if you’re a piece of shit inside.



Frage: Ideally, how many times a day would you have sex?
Antwort: You couldn’t handle how many times I would do it.

Frage: How important is family to you?
Antwort: It’s the most important thing in the world.

Frage: How do you feel about smokers?
Antwort: To be honest; I think they’re a kinda sexy.

Frage: Do you have any dark secrets that you’re keeping from me?
Antwort: My lips are sealed.

Frage: Would you ever consicer… going through the back door?
Antwort: I suppose if I was invited it would be rude not to stop in for a bit.

Frage: How would you feel about your partner seeing other people on the side?
Antwort: She can do whatever she wants. I don’t own her.


Frage: Have you ever slept around while dating someone?
Antwort: Yeah, I’m not the best at commitment.

Frage: How often do you masturbate when you’re in a relationship?
Antwort: About as often as I do it when I’m single.

Frage: Would you fault somebody for stupid mistakes they made in the past?
Antwort: Of course not. The past is in the past.

Frage: How do you feel about little tiny lies if nobody gets hurt?
Antwort: Well, as long as nobody gets hurt…

Frage: If you won a million dollars, how would you spend it?
Antwort: I’d spend all of it on luxuries for my girlfriend.

Frage: Do you like the lights on or off during sex?
Antwort: I like them off. I don’t to bare witness to that moment…

Frage: How often do you watch porn?
Antwort: I think the real question is how often am I not watching porn.

Frage: What’s your absolute favorite sex position?
Antwort: I’m a pretty big fan of oral.


Frage: What does your morning routine look like?
Antwort: I like to take a few moments to reflect on the day ahead of me.

Frage: What do you do to calm down when somebody makes you angry?

Antwort: I try to relax and remember that nobody is perfect.

Frage: If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
Antwort: Only that you would ask such an insecure question.

Frage: If you found someone’s wallet on the ground, what would you do?
Antwort: Look inside to see if I can find out who to return it to.

Frage: Do you believe there is some form of life after death?
Antwort: Well, I don’t know what it might be, but surely there must be something.

Frage: Do you believe there is some kind of deeper meaning of dreams?
Antwort: It seems possible. Maybe there’s a message in every dream.

Frage: Do you like to look at your partners face while making love?
Antwort: Yes, I look right into her eyes.


Frage: Are you happy with your body?
Antwort: What’s not to be happy with?

Frage: How do you feel about war and diseases in other countries?
Antwort: It’s a terrible shame and it breaks my heart.

Frage: Umm, funny question, but, how do you feel about girls shaving… down there?
Antwort: Honestly, I prefer the natural look.

Frage: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Antwort: I like that I’m openminded and always learning.

Frage: How do you feel about spirituality?
Antwort: I wouldn’t say I’m 100% non-spiritual, but I don’t lose my mind about it.

What does happiness mean to you?
I’m happy just to be alive at all.

Frage: What are your feelings about true love?
Antwort: I believe there is one special person out there for everyone.



Frage: How did I tell you to open up your initial interaction with Nikki?
Antwort: That my weirdness might actually pay off so just be myself.

Frage: How did I advise you to approach Lola when first meeting her?
Antwort: Open up with something safe to try and get on her good side.

Frage: What did I say about approaching Audrey when you first ran into her?
Antwort: Take charge and don’t let any of her bullshit get to me.

Frage: When we first met, what color dress was I wearing.
Antwort: Red.

Frage: How did I suggest that you open the conversation with Aiko?
Antwort: Say something really supid to try and cheer her up.

Frage: When you first met Jessie, how did I suggest do approach her?
Antwort: The nice girl shit wasn’t going to cut it so I hate to be aggressive.

Frage: What was my advice to you when meeting Tiffany?
Antwort: Don’t be afraid to take a chance but try not to scare her off.


Frage: Do you remember what I said about approaching Kyanna for the first time?
Antwort: She’s looking for a decent girl so try not to be an asshole.

Frage: Where did we go so I could teach you about dating?
Antwort: Outdoor Lounge

Frage: Where did you and I first met?
Antwort: Bar & Lounge

Frage: When first meeting Beli, what was my advise to you?
Antwort: To quickly say something to her before she had a chance to get away.

Frage: Do you remember what day it was when we first met?
Antwort: Sunday

Frage: What type of token was your first ever token match?
Antwort: Romance Tokens



Frage: Do you know how long indoor cats usually live for about?
Antwort: 14 – 16 years.

Frage: What’s the scientifical name for a kitty?
Antwort: Felis Catus.

Frage: Uhhh… How long is a cat pregnant before it has a baby kitty?
Antwort: 2 months.

Frage: Ohh, what was it? Mmmm… Oh! Oh! What’s a group of cats called?
Antwort: Clowder.

Frage: What’s a kitty doing when it’s trilling?
Antwort: Making purr-like vocal noises.

Frage: What kinda animal has more teeth, a kitty or a doggy?
Antwort: Dogs have more teeth.

Frage: What does it mean when a kitty has her tail under her body?
Antwort: She’s scared.

Frage: Which one of these is NOT a breed of cat?
Antwort: Tabby

Frage: What’s another name for a female kitty?
Antwort: Molly

Frage: Ummm… How long does a cat spend sleeping in one day?
Antwort: 14 – 16 hours.

Frage: Do you know about how much of their lives cats spend grooming? Huh?
Antwort: 30%

Frage: Do you know what kind of taste kitties don’t have?
Antwort: Sweet

Frage: What do you call a group of tiny baby kittens?
Antwort: Kindle



Frage: What is the smallest planet in your solar system?
Antwort: Mercury

Frage: Which of there objects is made partly of ice?
Antwort: Comet

Frage: What is the name of your planet Saturn’s largest moon?
Antwort: Titan

Frage: Roughly how many miles does light travel in one earth calendar year?
Antwort: 6 Trillion

Frage: Which planet in your solar system is the most dense?
Antwort: Earth

Frage: What is the approximate distance from your planet to it’s moonBild?
Antwort: 238,900 miles

Frage: What is the largest planet in your solar system?
Antwort: Jupiter

Frage: What type of star is your planet’s sun?
Antwort: Yellow dwarf

Frage: As far as we all know, what event began the universe?
Antwort: Big Bang

Frage: What is a supernova?
Antwort: An exploding star.

Frage: What is the name of the spiral galaxy nearst to the Milky Way?
Antwort: Andromeda Galaxy

Frage: How many moons does your planet Saturn have?
Antwort: 62

Frage: What are stars vastly made up of, more than anything else?
Antwort: Hydrogen

Frage: Approximately how old is your planet earth?
Antwort: 4,500,000,000 years.



Frage: Which one of these girls owns a pair of stockings?
Antwort: Audrey

Frage: Which of these girls does not smoke?
Antwort: Kyanna

Frage: Which of these girls weights the least?
Antwort: Audrey

Frage: Which of these pairs of girls are not close friends?
Antwort: Aiko and Lola

Frage: Can you tell me the name of the girl who wears earrings?
Antwort: Kyanna

Frage: Out of all the girls you’ve dated, who is the only one to change her hair color?
Antwort: Audrey

Frage: Who’s birthday arrives latest in the year?
Antwort: Tiffany

Frage: Out of these girls, who has the largest cup size?
Antwort: Kyanna

Frage: Who is the tallest girl you’ve dated?
Antwort: Beli

Frage: Which of these girls does not wear glasses?
Antwort: Tiffany

Frage: Who is the youngest girl you’ve dated?
Antwort: Nikki

Frage: Which of these girls does not wear lipstick?
Antwort: Lola

Frage: Who is the only girl with violet colored eyes?
Antwort: Kyanna

Frage: How many girls have you dated who have blue eyes?
Antwort: Three

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